is now open for public, while still in beta

Android, News, Reviews
[caption id="attachment_1341" align="aligncenter" width="882"] for Web Now Open to the Public[/caption], a web-based application for the new Slices for Twitter application on Android open for public (while still in beta) today. The web interface is an attempt to give the same look and feel as the popular android application on the web. I gave it a few minutes and I must admit they have done a splendid job although there are still bugs in it like, I was not able to pull anyone's twitter profile even after multiple click using Firefox browser. Hopefully it will improve in near future. How did you find Slices for Android? if its not your favorite twitter application, which one is it and why? I'd love to know about it in the comments…
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Angry Imran game for Android (inspired by the popular Angry Birds)

[caption id="attachment_1191" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Angry Imran Android app"][/caption] Angry Imran (Android Game) is a copy of the popular game Angry Birds The description reads Imran's Tsunami in the Android Store! Angry Imran is a game whose main theme is inspired from Angry Birds. This v1.0 (beta) is the result of a request from a group of friends. It is a tribute to the emerging leader of Pakistan, Mr. Imran Khan. So take on the driving seat and help him in his TSUNAMI of Revolution. *Brain freeze does not have any political affiliations with any party* I gave the game a test drive and while its no where near as good as Angry Birds game, we should not underestimate the potential of this game. I am pretty sure that this "10+…
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Native Screenshots in Android Ice Cream Sandwich

Android, Personal
Like native Panoramic mode in the Android Ice Cream Sandwich camera (Android v 4.0.4), I also have Native screenshots capability (just didn't knew how to use it until 3 weeks ago) with my OTA update to ICS. All I have to do is, hit the power and the volume down key at once to take the screenshot. [caption id="attachment_1124" align="aligncenter" width="480" caption="Uninstalling "No Root Screenshot It" since Android Ice Cream Sandwich has native screenshot"][/caption] hence uninstalled "No Root Screenshot It".
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Review: The Avengers Live Wallpapers for Android

Android, Personal, Reviews
So, I installed the The Avengers Live Wallpapers for my Android Phone since it was on Google Play's (previously known as Google Market) feature list [caption id="attachment_1106" align="aligncenter" width="480" caption="The Avengers Live Wallpaper as featured on Google Play"][/caption] Almost immediately after installing it, I could see annoying little nag screens on every screen unlock, like the one you can see in the screenshot below. [caption id="attachment_1107" align="aligncenter" width="480" caption="The Avengers Live Wallpaper nag screens"][/caption] Which is pretty nasty way to convince me to buy the pro version. I uninstalled it right away. I highly recommend everyone not to install it on their cell else you'll have to uninstall it later. Update: I have posted a review on Google Play, you can read it here
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My local weather is San Miguel de Tucumán?

Today, I woke up and realized that my local weather showing on my Android via GPS was showing San Miguel de Tucumán (weird!!) which is not where I was (PAKISTAN). [caption id="attachment_1077" align="aligncenter" width="480" caption="San Miguel de Tucumán as location on my cell? #fail since I am in Pakistan"][/caption]
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Finally – OTA update to Google Ice Cream Sandwich

Ever-since Google announced the Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0.4 (aka ICS) update, I wanted to have it just for the sake of seeing all the new features. Finally, My Google Nexus S received the long awaited and long promised Over the air (OTA) update to the ICS. This will be the last update this handset will ever receive probably because of its hardware constraints (with Quad core 1.5 Ghz coming in the market, 1GHz single core will become obsolete and a constraint to future updates) The phone is a bit slow from my previous Gingerbread (Android 2.3.6) but what the hell, im gonna use it anyway until I find a major bug and want to revert back to 2.3.6 Here are some of the screenshots [gallery link="file"]
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