phpMyChat Vulnerability – seeking help from the officials

News, OpenSource, PHP
A post from my old blog (archives): On May 5th 2005, we had to close our chat room because of some "bad users" getting into the chat room using the vulnerability in phpMyChat that allows a remote user to bypass authentication. I looked at the vendor's website but to my surprise the development is put to a full stop. There was no official or unofficial patch for the above problem. While I was looking for a patch i found numerous security monitoring websites that has listed this and many other BUGS since June 2004 (almost a year ago). I was like; "The security holes were discovered almost a year before but there is no, absolutely NO comment over that. An immediate patch is also missing. The point to note is…
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Domain Tasting ends in 2008

Yes you heard it right, Domain Tasting will end in 2008. This year i have been seeing some positive motion to end this domain-tasting/front-running and i am hopeful that it will be at least minimized to greater extent if not stopped completely. This is what DomainTools Blog comments on it: "The ICANN board just passed the following motion to end Domain Tasting, “THEREFORE, the Board resolves to encourage ICANN’s budgetary process to include fees for all domains added, including domains added during the AGP, and encourages community discussion involved in developing the ICANN budget, subject to both Board approval and registrar approval of this fee. It did not directly deal a death blow to tasting, but it was a definitive motion that will kill it this year. This policy is…
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Im back

Hi everyone, I didn't updated anything for the last 14 months approx, i was really taken away with things at my job. I have also shifted my job place and now i am working in another US-based software house. Anyway i shall try to keep it updated from now on, because i got so many notes that i cant keep track of and i am sure msot of your will find that information helpful. Your comments are the indicators that will tell me as to what extent you like the info that i post here so keep them rolling :)
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Get a FREE email address

Resources, Tips and Tricks
Today, everyone wants to have a shorter email address. Why? because its small and its easy to remember. Additionally email address gives you 2GB mailbox. This is why many people want to have email address instead of but the question is how to get it? There are a number of ways to get a email address (more…)
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Welcome to TechBytes.PK

Welcome to TechBytes.PK. I recently acquired this domain name to set up an online community to promote IT in Pakistan and to help the techies in general. This blog is just the beginning, i hope to add more to this domain sooner. Suggestions are most welcome. Regards, Asim Zeeshan
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