How to create a tar file using SSH on Linux

Linux, Tips and Tricks, Tutorials
To create a tar from a directory using SSH on Linux punch in the following command [code lang="plain"]tar -vcf backup.tar mystuff/[/code] Where "mystuff" is a directory and backup.tar is the target compressed file. You can also create a file called archive.tar of all the files and subdirectories in the current directory with the following command [code lang="plain"]tar -vcf backup.tar *[/code] Note: "v" flag is for verbose mode.
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Get a FREE email address

Resources, Tips and Tricks
Today, everyone wants to have a shorter email address. Why? because its small and its easy to remember. Additionally email address gives you 2GB mailbox. This is why many people want to have email address instead of but the question is how to get it? There are a number of ways to get a email address (more…)
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