
Its been sometime since I am using Vagrant but it just occurred to me the other day, when my coworker and a good friend asked showed his interest in Vagrant and asked me for some learning material. I realized its a pretty powerful tool but I probably didn't kept track of learning materials myself (more…)
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PhotonVPS / YardVPS Misleading Marketing Gimmick

Promotions and Offers, Thoughts, Virtual Private Server
We see misleading marketing gimmicks everyday when we visit the superstore where false advertisement and sel-proclaimed-number-one is common but if thats coming from a reputable (so-called) company, its somewhat a underwhelming gesture. PhotonVPS posted this advertisement on WHT [caption id="attachment_1349" align="aligncenter" width="584"] PhotonVPS / YardVPS Advertisement on[/caption] It seemed nice and I wanted to post this offer on Low End Box, being a writer there but when I tested out the code, it turned out to be another marketing gimmick. I am beginning to think that the mostly negative reviews on Low End Box's past PhotonVPS / YardVPS offers may be right. [caption id="attachment_1350" align="aligncenter" width="1011"] PhotonVPS / YardVPS Marketing Gimmick[/caption]
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EasyPaisa Pakistan website showing SQL query

Pakistan, Thoughts
Go to EasyPaisa Pakistan and go to EasyPaisa Shop --> Find an Easypaisa Merchant and once you are there, search for something and hit "Submit" [caption id="attachment_1095" align="aligncenter" width="681" caption="Telenor EasyPaisa "Find an Easypaisa Merchant" search form"][/caption] On the new page with listing, select Control+A or highlight the page with a mouse to see a "debug info" SQL query right there in white text. I really do wish someone does not use the info to plan an SQL injunction [caption id="attachment_1096" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Telenor EasyPaisa "Find an Easypaisa Merchant" search results with SQL query shown on page"][/caption] [caption id="attachment_1097" align="aligncenter" width="584" caption="FULL VIEW - Telenor EasyPaisa "Find an Easypaisa Merchant" search results with SQL query shown on page"][/caption]
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Dropbox is insecure? A critical review

Reviews, Thoughts
I am a die hard Dropbox fan, although the files that I share are neither too sensitive nor do I pay attention to the TOS (Terms of Service) of dropbox but this article is a nice read for anyone who is considering syncing sensitive files (private file that is). If you are interested in using Dropbox, you may register for it by clicking here.  
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HostDime takes over

News, Reviews, Thoughts, Virtual Private Server
Update (01-April-2011): I contacted HostDime to ask for an offer that Adam accepted some months ago AND I was going to purchase that in June this year. HostDime staff was pretty professional to go through the tickets and offer me the same (right now OR when I later come and give reference to the ticket number with HostDime .... SOLID OFFER I must say) Not an April Fool joke ... (more…)
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Linode is Blazzing Fast

Personal, Thoughts
I asked my client to buy a Linode for some testing purposes and I tried it for the first time. I must say, Linode is blazzing fast. Downloads are touching 8M/sec and speed, performance is as if its running on a VM on my local system. Update: Now its been almost a month running Linode and I strongly recommend this VPS company.
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Wateen’s Initial Public Offering

News, Thoughts
I got this in my mailbox today (since I am a Wateen consumer since Dec 2007) Dear Valued Customer, Wateen Telecom is a group company of Abu Dhabi group. Abu Dhabi Group is one of the largest business groups in the Middle East and the one of the largest foreign investor in Pakistan. Abu Dhabi group owns Wateen through Warid Telecom International and Bank Alfalah Limited which hold 79.8% and 20.0% shares respectively. Wateen’s successful four years of operations in the telecom industry of Pakistan speak for itself, as it successfully deployed the largest commercial and first nationwide 3.5 GHz WiMax network rollout in the world covering 22 cities and 1,100 sites with over 160,000 wireless broadband customers (60% of wireless Broadband market), 12,000 Broadband customers over fiber and 2,700…
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