Kohana or CodeIgniter or CakePHP?

Personal, PHP, Thoughts
I am going to start on a small system for internal use and I wanted to re-think my choice of CodeIgniter because it does not have templates or ORM. Guess what, I landed with KohanaPHP. It sounds very tempting that a new MVC Framework based on CodeIgniter with new features (especially ORM) is here but the documentation is really really poor. I tried googling for a book or tutorial and I was really disappointed to have found none. I tried Amazon.com for a book but no books. Looks like I have landed in some weird space that might be good looking but I need to get my hands dirty in the code to learn it and at the end of the day, it may seem that I have lost a…
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HashPakistan needs an admin panel

News, Pakistan, Personal, Thoughts
Well, my initial estimates were wrong. I thought I could retweet the posts and Twitter would give me accurate results. The problem is with twitter results. They are giving me wrong and irrelevant results. Also, when I ask Twitter to only send me "positive" tweets, it sometimes does not mark most of the positive tweets as "positive", in fact they are not marked at all. So there are the "positive" tweets, "negative" tweets, "questions" and "unknown" (or "unrated") tweets. A quick look at these tweets and I can see many of them as good ones that should have been retweeted but they were not. To get over this situation, I need to have an admin panel where I can see statistics and possibly "approve" the negative / unrated tweets. Having…
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Warid Postpaid Issues – had to MNP my cell number

Pakistan, Personal, Reviews
I moved from Warid to Ufone in April, I forgot to mention that. Thanks to MNP the move was smooth and easy. Now let me tell you why I moved. First of all, there are billing issues in Postpaid. They have two SMS packages Zoom Limited SMS Package offering 750 messages per month and Zoom Unlimited SMS Package offering 7,500 messages per month When you activate any of these packages (for the first time) the package is charged double. So e.g. you activate Zoom Unlimited and it costs approx Rs. 300 per month so it will be charged twice, once as ACTIVATION CHARGES and second as monthly charges (WTF!!) (more…)
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Domino’s Pizza in Lahore – A bad experience

Personal, Thoughts
I thought it was a good news for pizza lovers like me but it wasn't. Me and my friend visited the Domino outlet in Link Road branch on 06th June 2009. Let me give you an account of what I saw and went through there. Four tables and chairs similar to those in Kindergarden. Plus there was no one to show you the way AND all tables were pre-occupied. So as soon as one table got free, I jumped in while my friend was still at the counter ordering the pizza. We always ask for less vegetables and extra chicken topings. We did the same here too. After 15 min someone called my friend's name if his Parents were here to pick him up from school (lol, yeah!) and he…
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CodeIgniter or CakePHP? can’t decide

Personal, PHP
Can't decide between CodeIgniter or CakePHP for my personal project. CodeIgniter is faster in terms of performance but development is slow, CakePHP's cake-bake makes development faster but its performance is not good. My problem is that I need both. I want it at best performance since I will be handling millions even billions of domain records AND I cannot spend more time developing my own system. Any ideas?
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