#WhyIhateGEO trending on Twitter Pakistan at the moment

Pakistan, Personal
#WhyIhateGEO (Why I hate GEO) is one of the hashtags trending in Twitter Pakistan to condemn the non-Pakistani culture promoting in Pakistan by GEO TV. Including but not limited to promoting Indian Movies, Indian culture and an overall pro-Indian approach. Go ahead and read the blog post that started it all. Any freedom comes with some moral obligations. Media in Pakistan got its freedom but unfortunately it forgot all its obligations to society, culture and religion. The recent wave of projecting Indian culture on Pakistani Media has raised concern among Pakistanis. At times such news item appear on screen that one feels embarrassing to watch on particularly when accompanying family. There is a growing concern among the masses that Geo is openly promoting Indian culture and values in Pakistan through…
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My local weather is San Miguel de Tucumán?

Today, I woke up and realized that my local weather showing on my Android via GPS was showing San Miguel de Tucumán (weird!!) which is not where I was (PAKISTAN). [caption id="attachment_1077" align="aligncenter" width="480" caption="San Miguel de Tucumán as location on my cell? #fail since I am in Pakistan"][/caption]
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Finally – OTA update to Google Ice Cream Sandwich

Ever-since Google announced the Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0.4 (aka ICS) update, I wanted to have it just for the sake of seeing all the new features. Finally, My Google Nexus S received the long awaited and long promised Over the air (OTA) update to the ICS. This will be the last update this handset will ever receive probably because of its hardware constraints (with Quad core 1.5 Ghz coming in the market, 1GHz single core will become obsolete and a constraint to future updates) The phone is a bit slow from my previous Gingerbread (Android 2.3.6) but what the hell, im gonna use it anyway until I find a major bug and want to revert back to 2.3.6 Here are some of the screenshots [gallery link="file"]
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Google Shedding / Internet Shedding by PTCL

All over the world people have many methods to check IF they are online or not. Some prefer the ping to google.com or yahoo.com, some check their favourite websites or the popular websites (which we all think should always be accessible). In Pakistan and especially the subcontinent 95%+ people open Google.com or rely on their Firefox browser to open it for them to say "Yes, your net is working" and most people never bother to change this default homepage. (more…)
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Cancelled QuickWeb

Personal, Virtual Private Server
Today, I cancelled my last VPS with Quickweb in WDC (XEN PV). Although the service is stable but the actual VPS was costing me about two times from another stable reputable provider and since im on savings-mode, I want to experiment by moving that node from Quickweb to SecureDragon. Quickweb was my first VPS provider back in May, 2010 and so, I have a bond with them even though I cannot afford their VPSes mainly because there are other cheaper and stable options available in the market. For those who want to know the Disk IO and Network speed etc? I will blog a post later today Tests from WDC Node (Node=XEN10) Uptime [code]root@ns1 [~]# uptime 13:01:00 up 72 days, 14:10, 1 user, load average: 0.02, 0.02, 0.00[/code] Disk IO…
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World Backup Day

Yeah!! Its World Backup Day today. Get more details at http://www.worldbackupday.com/. I wonder sometimes how they have a day for almost every minor thing we have in our lives and virtual-lives. Backups are important, do keep backups of production machine, development and any other machine that you will regret loosing of later. You can either get a backup service from one of the many providers or buy a cheap dedicated (with say ATOM processor) to rsync data there, either way, Do keep backups, you won't regret it. There is an interesting discussion going on at LowEndTalk, do read the thread when you have time time.
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Dust Storm in Lahore

Today, its really hard to breath in Lahore because I see the second dust storm in my life span in Lahore. Its not as bad as in Karachi but still, its hard to breath. Last year on 25th May, 2011, there was also a Sand storm (and since I saw/felt it for the first time) it was a difficult experience [caption id="attachment_1007" align="aligncenter" width="480" caption="Dust storm in Lahore"][/caption]
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LowEndBox.com’s golden era ends!

Today, I was sad to read the post on my favourite blog lowendbox.com (LEB). I discovered LEB a few years ago and it has helped me learn a lot and try out many different VPS services all under $7/mo. But finally the blog anonymous blog author of LEB whom we call Low End Admin (LEA) has announced that this blog is taking a lot of his time hence he may be selling or giving it to someone who can run it at least as good as LEA himself. Its a sad day Indeed!
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