Windows to Linux (Ubuntu 14.04 LTS) Migration

Experiments, Linux, OpenSource, Ubuntu
I have been a hardcore Linux user from a Server-OS point of view since many years. Have used CentOS, Ubuntu, Debian and Fedora extensively. I have always recommended and used Linux without hesitation since I knew this is one thing that I cannot be wrong about. One place where I was reluctant to use Linux iswas my Desktop. My PC, Laptop and Work-Laptop running Windows 7. Although I love the simple interface of Windows, now its time that I try to experiment with a Linux Desktop OS. I am sure that within a few weeks, if not days, I would get in love with my decision which I have been postponing since many years now. I have chosen Ubuntu 14.04 LTS for this purpose. What follows is my transition from…
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Just released – PHP SolusVM Wrapper class

OpenSource, PHP
I have just released a SolusVM wrapper class based around the SolusVM Client API. More details on the project homepage new project homepage on GitHub. You can also download the complete code from GitHub, fork it on GitHub to improve it and/or watch/start it Update Nov 29, 2012: Moved from Google Code to GitHub because GitHub is a graet place for open-source stuff. Google Code is so old school now
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vzfree utility to check memory usage in OpenVZ VPS

How to, Linux, OpenSource, Resources, Tips and Tricks, Tutorials, Ubuntu, Virtual Private Server
From the official blog post Gee. It has been a while since I’ve last written here, and it will be a while again for my next post as I will be on holidays from next Monday (visiting families in Hong Kong and Taiwan). Let me share one small utility program that I wrote quite a while ago. We all know that the Linux command free(1) is pretty useless inside an OpenVZ VE, even those with meminfo virtualised. So I basically wrote this little util to grab the data from the dreadful user_beancounters and format them into something useful. It’s written in C and only depends on libc so it’s pretty light weight. It also does a little bit of analysis instead of just dumping the data, which I will explain…
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Find memory consumed by currently running processes on Linux?

CentOS, How to, Linux, OpenSource, Resources, Reviews, Tips and Tricks, Tutorials, Ubuntu, Virtual Private Server
I always had the question (when I am running plenty of scripts on a linux box as to what is eating up all the memory? Finding memory consumed by current running processes in your favorite linux distro. Luckily, I found a great Python utility (scriplet to be exact). (more…)
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NAGIOS 3 with notifications on twitter

Experiments, How to, Linux, OpenSource, Resources, Social Networking, Tips and Tricks, Tutorials, Virtual Private Server
I have been experimenting with NAGIOS3 on Ubuntu (I will write a how-to-install on NAGIOS later) and it has served me very good in monitoring my 7 VPS from different providers in different part of the world. I have already recorded 3 hours of downtime from ThrustVPS which is a great deal for me. I now know which VPS has the best time and which ones have hiccups (e.g. my 2Host VPS gave me two unreachable notifications but the VPS was running and still reports the uptime as 4 days). Since I use twitter more, even when Im on the road, notifications via email is a bit slow for me. Luckily I found a great tutorial online to do that. (more…)
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Installing Lighttpd, PHP and MySQL on Ubuntu

How to, Linux, OpenSource, PHP, Tips and Tricks, Tutorials, Ubuntu, Virtual Private Server
If you are not getting a package on Ubuntu, please check to see if your /etc/apt/sources.list file is updated. This is common with most VPS providers On VPS, especially with challenging small memory limit (e.g. 64MB or 128MB) lighttpd is the best option instead of Apache. In this article I will show you how to do that. On a fresh box (which has no apache installed) type this to get lighttpd webserver installed [code]apt-get install lighttpd[/code] Now install PHP5 CGI package and PHP5 command line package [code]apt-get install php5-cgi php5-cli[/code] Edit the following file [code]nano /etc/php5/cgi/php.ini[/code] and uncomment this line [code]cgi.fix_pathinfo = 1[/code] Now enable fastcgi module [code]lighty-enable-mod fastcgi[/code] Restart Lighttpd [code]/etc/init.d/lighttpd restart[/code] You get the welcome page Lets install MySQL 5.1 server and client [code]apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client[/code] and…
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