Error: Could not stat() command file '/var/lib/nagios3/rw/nagios.cmd'! The external command file may be missing, Nagios may not be running, and/or Nagios may not be checking external commands. An error occurred while attempting to commit your command for processing. Return from whence you came Just do the following [code highlight="1,3,4,6"]root@nagios:~# ls -l /var/lib/nagios3/rw/nagios.cmd prw-rw---- 1 nagios nagios 0 Aug 11 22:27 /var/lib/nagios3/rw/nagios.cmd root@nagios:~# chmod -R g+x /var/lib/nagios3/rw root@nagios:~# ls -l /var/lib/nagios3/rw/nagios.cmd prw-rwx--- 1 nagios nagios 0 Aug 11 22:27 /var/lib/nagios3/rw/nagios.cmd root@nagios:~# service nagios3 restart[/code] Also change group of the file [code highlight="1,3"]root@nagios:~# ls -l /var/lib/nagios3/rw/nagios.cmd prw-rw---- 1 nagios nagios 0 Aug 11 22:27 /var/lib/nagios3/rw/nagios.cmd root@nagios:~# chown nagios:www-data /var/lib/nagios3/rw/nagios.cmd[/code] And also, you may need to do the following and restart apache afterwards [code highlight="1,2"]root@nagios:~# usermod -G nagios www-data root@nagios:~# service apache2…