How to find specific files and send alerts

CentOS, How to, Linux, Tips and Tricks, Ubuntu
Maintaining a shared hosting server is a full time job but tools and proper checks and balances can help make this burden lot less. I manage a shared hosting server for one of my friends and numerous times the scripts that people have installed over on their websites have vulnerabilities and hackers exploit it to upload stuff that mass-email or do other nasty stuff. Luckily, most of these exploits have common patterns like files names or other signatures that make them traceable (most of the time the so called hackers are just kiddy scripts) Create a file and put this in it [code]#!/bin/bash find /home -name '*' | mail -s '[Woodcrest] Phishing Alert!' find /home -name 'rout.php' | mail -s '[Woodcrest] Phishing Alert - Mail Bomber!'[/code] This is…
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