Just released – PHP SolusVM Wrapper class

OpenSource, PHP
I have just released a SolusVM wrapper class based around the SolusVM Client API. More details on the project homepage new project homepage on GitHub. You can also download the complete code from GitHub, fork it on GitHub to improve it and/or watch/start it Update Nov 29, 2012: Moved from Google Code to GitHub because GitHub is a graet place for open-source stuff. Google Code is so old school now
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HashPakistan needs an admin panel

News, Pakistan, Personal, Thoughts
Well, my initial estimates were wrong. I thought I could retweet the posts and Twitter would give me accurate results. The problem is with twitter results. They are giving me wrong and irrelevant results. Also, when I ask Twitter to only send me "positive" tweets, it sometimes does not mark most of the positive tweets as "positive", in fact they are not marked at all. So there are the "positive" tweets, "negative" tweets, "questions" and "unknown" (or "unrated") tweets. A quick look at these tweets and I can see many of them as good ones that should have been retweeted but they were not. To get over this situation, I need to have an admin panel where I can see statistics and possibly "approve" the negative / unrated tweets. Having…
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Twitter Search gone mad!

News, Pakistan
Yes, I know what I just said that ... its true because my new project HashPakistan is using Twitter Search API to get all posts with hashtag #Pakistan and last night twitter gave it results containing #ashes (and has nothing to do with Pakistan). I noticed it today and removed those updates from the twitter timeline. Hopefully it does not happen again. P.S. There are no official words on the Twitter Blog regarding this
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TwitterTweets, a PHP wrapper class for Twitter REST API

How to, OpenSource, PHP, Resources, Reviews, Tips and Tricks, Tutorials
I have just finished hosting my first OpenSource project on Google Code. Its called TwitterTweets. Its a small wrapper API that consumes Twitter REST API. It can be easily included in any PHP script / application to support manipulation of TwitterTweets from a single user. Currently it has the following features Reading updates including or excluding replies. Caching support to store xml/json response locally as a file with cache-timeout Built-in custom Array I will be writing and uploading modules and plugins for Joomla and Wordpress in the coming days. Stay tuned. Project Homepage: http://code.google.com/p/twittertweets Project Discussion Group: http://groups.google.com/group/twittertweets Enjoy!
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Using CPanel/WHM API to get detail list of all accounts

How to, Linux, Resources, Tips and Tricks, Tutorials, Ubuntu
Today I had this need to get a list of WHM Accounts using one of its APIs. I have never used it before but it was really simple to use. It returns an xml file that you can manipulate using your prefered language and store it in database for reporting etc. Here is what you need to do, connect to your server using SSH and run the following command [code lang="plain"]wget http://your-server-ip:2086/xml-api/listaccts --http-user=myuser --http-password=mypass --output-document=listaccts.xml[/code] Replace your-server-ip with your WHM's ip and myuser/mypass with the actual WHM/CPanel password. The resultant xml file will be saved as "listaccts.xml" in the same directory as you ran the command in. If you feel a bit insecure running these command over SSH then visit this page on your browser and save it as an…
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